
冰沙受欢迎是有原因的. 旋转的健康, whole ingredients together in a blender can give you great nutrition that’s delicious and easy to enjoy on the go.

营养师乔丹·斯皮瓦克来自 西布里纪念医院 说, “When you make your own at home with ingredients that meet your nutrition needs and taste preferences, 冰沙是获取蛋白质的好方法, 纤维和其他营养物质.”

这里有一些选择蛋白粉的建议, 水果, 蔬菜和其他食材, whether you’re making your own smoothies or ordering at the smoothie shop.


“The great thing about smoothies is how versatile they are,斯皮瓦克说. 有数百种不同的冰沙食谱. 对于初学者,她建议结合:

  • 蛋白质, 比如商业蛋白粉, Greek yogurt (which is higher in protein than regular yogurt) or nut butters
  • 水果包括浆果、芒果、香蕉和鳄梨
  • 绿色比如菠菜或甘蓝
  • A 液体基础 比如乳制品或植物性牛奶、水或果汁

所有类型的搅拌器都可以很好地制作冰沙. 你可以使用大容量的厨房搅拌机, 个人迷你搅拌器或自带杯子的搅拌器.


蛋白质奶昔食谱中通常含有蛋白粉, 斯皮瓦克说,蛋白质是营养奶昔的重要组成部分. “蛋白质可以构建和维持肌肉质量, 可以帮助你保持饱腹感和满足感,她说。.

Choosing a protein powder can be daunting: Supermarket and health food store shelves are filled with different protein sources, 口味和格式, 一般来说, 它们并不便宜.

怎样才能找到适合自己的蛋白粉呢? 以下是一些注意事项.


Since protein powder is a processed food, it is important to read the label carefully. “如果你有 食物过敏, a careful review of a supplement’s ingredients is essential,斯皮瓦克说.

“You can also find out how much protein and carbohydrates are in the mix and if it contains added sugars, artificial flavors or anything else that you may personally want to avoid due to allergy or intolerance, 比如奶制品或大豆.”


Spivak 说 whey protein tops her list of recommended protein powder types because it is the most easily absorbed by the body.

Whey is a liquid byproduct of manufacturing dairy milk products such as cheese. Drying this liquid leaves behind the protein, which can be powdered and flavored.

蛋白质是由称为氨基酸的基本分子组成的. 一种氨基酸叫做 亮氨酸. “Whey protein contains more 亮氨酸 than other protein supplement sources,” she explains.


  • 在运动中为肌肉提供能量
  • 帮助生成新的蛋白质来增强肌肉
  • 支持组织愈合

Assisting in metabolism (the process of breaking food down for energy and nutrients)


按照指示使用乳清蛋白通常是安全的, but if you have a history of intolerance to dairy or other animal proteins, 您可能会遇到不良的副作用,例如:

  • 胃不舒服
  • 排便频率增加
  • 痤疮
  • 口渴
  • 疲劳
  • 腹胀
  • 头痛

如果你有这些副作用, 停止使用爽身粉,并咨询你的医生或营养师.


纯素食者可以从一系列植物蛋白粉中选择. 豌豆蛋白粉就是一个例子. 其他成分可能包括种子、糙米、大豆或大麻.

“大多数植物蛋白都不容易被人体吸收,斯皮瓦克说, 但是基于植物的蛋白质来源, 豌豆蛋白是她推荐的.




酸奶 is a classic smoothie ingredient, but ingredients and flavors vary widely. 一些酸奶产品是甜点级别的甜, so Spivak 说 check the label and choose those lower in added sugar for a healthier smoothie.

Spivak favors Greek yogurt to make a smoothie richer in probiotics (healthy bacteria that support gut health) and protein. Icelandic skyr or any Greek yogurt are two of the higher protein options you can find at your grocery store.

Vegan options are available, too, and some of these offer both probiotics and great taste. Try yogurts made from almonds, cashews, coconut, soy or other nondairy sources.


富含蛋白质, 健康的脂肪, 卡路里和味道, peanut butter or other nut butters in a smoothie can help you feel full and satisfied.


对花生过敏或敏感的人, 斯皮瓦克说,葵花籽黄油可以成为美味的替代品. 同样的, 磨碎的亚麻籽是另一种很好的蛋白质来源, 还含有有益心脏健康的omega-3脂肪酸和纤维.

奶昔里应该放多少蛋白质? 有太多这回事吗?

“蛋白质需求因人而异,”斯皮瓦克说. “当你使用现成的蛋白粉时, 标签上的食用指南, 比如一两个勺子, 是一个好的起点吗.”

She notes that people with certain health conditions may need more protein than average ― or less. 还记得, 除了蛋白粉, 其他项目,如种子, 坚果酱和希腊酸奶也能提高蛋白质含量.

“为了更好地估计多少蛋白质最适合你, consult with a dietitian who can take your total health and nutrition goals into account,她说。.


Whole 水果 in a blender beat fruit juice, which delivers concentrated sugar and less fiber. Spivak 说 that 水果 are rich in flavonoids (natural compounds that give 水果 their color) that work as antioxidants, 减少炎症,支持细胞健康.

“每种水果或蔬菜都有独特的营养成分, 所以你可以随意把它们混合在一起,让你的奶昔变得多样化,她说。.


  • 树莓,蓝莓和草莓 ― fresh or frozen ― are packed with vitamins and fiber, and add appealing color and flavor.
  • 香蕉 contain potassium and a fiber called inulin that helps you feel full and satisfied.
  • 芒果 是美味的,并提供大量的纤维和维生素A.
  • 鳄梨 (technically a fruit) can give smoothies a luscious, creamy texture while also adding fiber. 对于素食主义者来说,牛油果是酸奶的替代品.

“应该注意的是,水果含有碳水化合物, 哪些会影响血糖水平, so it is best to consult with a dietitian on what carbohydrate amounts are best for your personalized nutrition needs,斯皮瓦克建议道.


Smoothies are a wonderful way to ensure you’re getting daily vegetables.

  • 胡萝卜 是美味甜味的经典选择吗, 吸引人的颜色和维生素A, 尤其是和新鲜姜一起吃.
  • 黄瓜 helps you stay hydrated, and adds a refreshing veggie boost to summertime smoothies.
  • 甜菜 添加色素、矿物质和天然甜味.
  • 菜花 不管和什么混在一起都会有味道, 所以它可以添加你甚至不会注意到的纤维和维生素. Using frozen cauliflower can help make your smoothie cold and refreshing.
  • 熟红薯 能把奶昔变成富含奶油和维生素的美味吗.



  • 2汤匙花生、杏仁或向日葵黄油
  • 1个冷冻或新鲜香蕉
  • 一勺香草或巧克力蛋白粉
  • ½ cup of vanilla Greek yogurt (or vanilla coconut yogurt as a dairy alternative)
  • 1 cup of 液体基础 (water or milk/milk alternatives such as almond or cashew milk — “I like almond milk best,斯皮瓦克说.)
  • 一汤匙亚麻籽粉
  • 一些冰块

营养 facts per one serving: 482 calories, 41 grams of carbohydrates, 37.4克蛋白质,22.3克脂肪. NOTE: 营养 facts will vary depending on brands used, amounts and types of ingredients.


绿色冰沙很容易, 获取维生素的好方法, 新鲜蔬菜中的矿物质和纤维加入到你的饮食中. “在任何冰沙中添加额外的蔬菜, 加入一些羽衣甘蓝或菠菜来获得额外的微量营养素,她建议道。.

Spivak 说 that adding spinach or kale to green smoothie recipes doesn’t mean they have to end up tasting like a pureed salad. “When you blend a handful of green leafy vegetables with fruit and other ingredients, 一杯绿色奶昔可能很美味.

“菠菜是一个不错的选择. 它增加了绿色,但味道温和,营养丰富. 羽衣甘蓝的质地往往更有纤维性, 但如果你仔细搅拌,它在冰沙中是非常棒的,她说。.


  • 芝麻菜
  • 羽衣甘蓝
  • 甜菜
  • 麦草



  • 一杯冷冻混合浆果
  • 一大把菠菜(冷冻的或新鲜的)
  • 一勺香草蛋白粉
  • ½ cup of vanilla Greek yogurt (or vanilla coconut yogurt as a dairy alternative)
  • 1 cup of base liquid (water or milk/milk alternatives such as almond or cashew milk)
  • 一汤匙亚麻籽粉
  • 一些冰块

每份食物的营养成分:303卡路里,35卡路里.8克碳水化合物,30.4克蛋白质,6.8克脂肪. NOTE: 营养 facts will vary depending on brands used, amounts and types of ingredients.


而冰沙通常和早餐联系在一起, 斯皮瓦克指出,它们可以作为一种禁食, 营养餐的替代品或健康的零食. Spivak notes it is best to consult with a dietitian to ensure your smoothie recipes and nutrition content are in line with your personal health goals.

“如果你用大容量搅拌器做一大杯冰沙, you can divide it into smaller servings and freeze or refrigerate them so they’re ready when you need some fast nutritious fuel on the go.

此外,冰沙的原料很容易保存在手边. Frozen fruit and greens keep for a long time and are frozen at their peak, 所以它们的维生素质量非常高, 矿物质和其他营养素.”



信不信由你,零食可以是健康饮食的一部分. 聪明的零食可以帮助你避免在一天的晚些时候吃得过多.


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